Sunday, April 3, 2011

Conspiracy Theory

It seems that as suspected, the universe IS conspiring to help us. This morning, on the day I could really use it, I found my church. Yup, the terrible Catholic service I endured two weeks ago was so I could find my church today. My Love and I went to the Unitarian Church I attempted to attend two weeks ago. It's the one!!!! As I said in one of my previous posts, I don't believe that going to a building on Sunday is necessary to have a relationship with God, but I have been looking for the right community to share my beliefs with.  It doesn't matter what you call it either- God, Buddha, the universe, energy, Yahweh, Krishna, Allah or Mother Earth. I happen to think it's all the same thing at the end of the day. I use the term God because that's the name I grew up calling it so it's in my comfort zone. You can call it whatever you want.

They must have known I was coming because they wrote the entire service for me. Even the story they read to the children was just for us. Those of you who know us know that My Love and I live for a good adventure. Adventure brought us together, we promised each other a lifetime of adventure in our wedding vows and the blog that helped us find Ginny was all about adventure. When they said "Things always work out when you decide to have an adventure." I knew it was a conspiracy. They were reading the story to ME!! Seriously, how did they know I was coming???? During the sermon when the reverend said that it's okay to spend your Sunday morning with nature on the golf course instead of attending a service I knew he had My Love hook, line and sinker. If he decides to go for a bike ride on a particularly perfect Sunday morning he won't burn in hell after all. Fantastic news!!

I can't wait to go back. I've already joined their Kiva group, they support a local inner city school, have a knitters group, all kinds of social justice groups, etc. I think our little Sprout is really going to like this place too.

Come on Sprout. It's all falling into place. Try your very hardest my little one.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you found a church home! You are so right, you just "know" from that first service. Sounds like an awesome place. We're members of a "community" church and feel the same way. Keeping you in my prayers!!!!!
