I know there will be more setbacks but I am actually feeling, dare I say it, happy today. My Love is on an airplane flying away from me, but I know this trip will do him a world of good. Last night, for perhaps the first time in this battle, I was the one telling him it was all going to be okay. He was worried about leaving me, but I reassured him that I would survive a weekend on my own and I'd be happier if he took the time to recharge his batteries. He left for Haiti this morning with two bags of construction supplies and a heart full excitement. Can't wait to hear all about it when he gets home.
My weekend is filling up with "fun for me" plans. Tonight I am having dinner with a dear friend who is now a mother of perhaps the most adorable boy/girl twins ever born, but was at one point an intended mother with a GC. Tomorrow I am going to see a wonderful psychologist who specializes in helping infertiles. She battled for years herself. My Love and I saw her once and she really helped us turn our thinking around. I'm interested to see what I walk out of tomorrow's session with.
At 2pm EDT I have a call with the doctor to discuss the next cycle. I am interested to hear what he is planning to change.
Saturday morning I am having my hair colored and then heading out to Brooklyn to hang with cousin and uncle, my main gays. I must have been emitting some distress signal that only gay men can hear because I came home last night to a message from Ron and John, our neighbors, inviting me to a barbeque on Monday. These guys give the BEST parties in the neighborhood and it's always an honor to be on their guest list!
On Sunday my Godbaby Mamma is coming over and we are going to go through the house and see if there is any rearranging of furniture we might be able to do. Every week when I go to her house something has been moved and I love it! She is SO good at rearranging and giving a room a fresh feel. It will also be nice to have some alone girl time with her. It's been much too long.
In between I plan to do some work in the garden, read on the hammock, go to church, pick up my dry cleaning, try and decide on carpet for the nursery, pay some bills and all that fun stuff.
Sounds like a nice relaxing long weekend no? Can't wait for it to get started!
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