Today at 2pm I have a call with Dr. Seven to discuss the next cycle. It's generally called the WTF meeting. I don't particulary like this term. There is no was of telling what when wrong last time or the time before. All we can do it think ahead to next time and what we could try and chance. I like Dr. Seven. He has a lovely calming was about him and I always feel better after a call with him. He may just be well trained in reassurance, but I also know that he's a great reproductive endocrinologist and I should trust him. As much time as I spend studying all of this online, this is what he does and he does it well.
I wish the call were a little earlier in the day. I'll admit to being anxious about it. I've been up since 5:40am. The house is clean, there is always more than can be done, but I'm not really in the mood. I'm just wandering around the house rearranging things and cleaning up a spot on a tile here and there. I'm considering getting out a bucket, brush and some vinegar and scrubbing the hardwood floors in the kitchen. They seem to have a film on them. Until I can convince my self to get to work I will pace. I think today will be a wet hair in a bun and no makeup day. I'll take a quick shower and head out to the stores when they open. 2pm cant come soon enough.
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